Drivers License Reinstatement Resources

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The Legal Ramifications of Refusing a Breathalyzer Test in Illinois

The Legal Ramifications of Refusing a Breathalyzer Test in Illinois

This viral story of a nurse’s arrest in Utah was the result of a DUI stop in July of 2017. The arrest took place due to her refusal to draw blood from a man who was unconscious. Law enforcement needed the blood test. A breathalyzer was not possible given the man’s condition. The nurse found herself between […]
Driving Tired vs. Driving Drunk: Are They Comparable?

Driving Tired vs. Driving Drunk: Are They Comparable?

One of the hot button issues in the country is the dangers of driving drunk, but did you know that driving while tired or drowsy can be just as dangerous? If you’ve ever driven without having gotten enough sleep, you’re probably familiar with the struggle of battling fatigue. Sometimes it’s easier than others, but whenever […]
How Long Will a DUI Stay on My Record?

How Long Does It Take to Reinstate a License After a DUI in Illinois?

Have you recently lost your Illinois driver’s license? Do you know how long it takes to reinstate a license? Every year in Illinois, nearly 40,000 drivers are charged with a DUI. Whether they were driving just a few blocks in Chicago, or across the state, driving under the influence is dangerous behavior. Once you have lost your […]
How to Get a Hardship Permit in Illinois

How to Get a Hardship Permit in Illinois

In Illinois, the Secretary of State (SOS) can revoke or suspend your driver’s license for several reasons. This can be having too many traffic violations, failing to pay your traffic tickets, getting DUIs, or failing to make child support payments. These cases can lead to a suspension or revocation. A suspension means there’s an end […]
What to Do If Your License is Suspended/Revoked in Another State

What to Do if Your License is Suspended/Revoked in Another State

A driver’s license in the United States can become suspended/revoked for many reasons. An individual may face a suspension/revocation due to too many speeding tickets, or for driving under the influence. Suspension/revocation may be the result of leaving the scene of an accident or assaulting another motorist. Whatever the reason, a suspended/revoked license can prove […]
License Reinstatement Why You Should Hire a Lawyer for Help -min

License Reinstatement: Why You Should Hire a Lawyer for Help

The reinstatement of an Illinois Driver License is a long road. Depending on your situation and charges, there are many steps in the process, and most people are unprepared for what to do next. It takes time and knowledge to understand all the laws, let alone navigate them. Without a license, some become unable to […]
Suspended vs Revoked License-min

Suspended vs Revoked License: What’s the Difference?

Do you have a Suspended or a Revoked Driver’s License?Counting down the days until you can legally drive again? Wondering about the conditions of your infraction? Driving with a suspended or revoked driver’s license subjects you to hefty fines, jail time, or maybe even both. Your license can be suspended for anything from unpaid parking tickets […]
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