Approximately 12,000 drivers in Illinois have a BAIID installed on their car or truck. They’re installed in an attempt to reduce drunk driving.
If you’ve been convicted of a DUI in Illinois, you may be required to install a BAIID onto your vehicle.
Let’s learn what a BAIID is, how much it costs, and what happens if you don’t follow the proper procedures when using it.
What is a BAIID?
BAIID is an acronym that stands for breath alcohol ignition interlock device. It’s installed onto the ignition of a vehicle and functions as a type of portable alcohol breathalyzer machine.
Before you can start the vehicle and begin to drive, you must blow into the BAIID and register a blood alcohol level less than 0.025 or less. You must also blow into it at random points as you drive.
Illinois is one state that also requires cameras as part of the BAIID system. This ensures that the user can’t get their sober friend to blow into the machine for them and provides other safety measures.
BAIID installation is complex and must be performed by a professional. The driver must go to a registered provider or installer.
While there, they must also take a reference image to send to the Secretary of State within the next week to prove they had the device installed. The installer must also provide proof of installation.
The user must also return to the dealer every few months to get accurate monitoring reports. This ensures the device hasn’t been tampered with, and is running as well as it should.
Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White says that BAIID help keep citizens safe. Expanding the law to mandate BAIID installation for first-time DUI offenders decreased drunk driving deaths by 24%.
What’s an MDDP?
A DUI conviction in Illinois always leads to a license suspension of anywhere from 6 months to 3 years. If you want to get on the road sooner, it involves getting a BAIID first.
MDDP stands for monitoring device driving permit. It allows you to drive almost anywhere and at any time you want, but you must have a BAIID installed first.
You’re only eligible for this type of license if you’re a first-time offender and have a valid license. It can extend your ability to drive and provide you with more freedom, but it will also extend the amount of time you need the device.
The state of Illinois requires BAIID installation but does not cover the costs. They come out of your pocket every month.
Knowing all the payments required for your BAIID in advance allows you to budget for them. There are several factors that affect the price, including:
- Installation and removal costs
- Monthly rental fees
- Calibration fees
- Fees paid to the Illinois Secretary of State
- Length of time you keep the device
- Make and model of the device
- Court-mandated features
These fees and ongoing payments can add up to a large financial burden. Average BAIID installation costs alone are $85, in addition to monthly rental and monitoring fees of $80 and $30 each.
You can pay up to $2,000 for the device a year for your first DUI. Financial assistance is available if you struggle to afford it.
BAIID Device Violations
2.2% of adults in Illinois are reported to have started driving after drinking too much, higher than the national average of 1.7%. Drunk driving remains a major issue, but it’s an even more serious offense for anyone with previous convictions.
There’s a process you must follow once you’ve had a BAIID installed on your car, including blowing into it throughout your trip, submitting usage reports, and regular maintenance. Failing to do so could lead to serious consequences.
If you know all the guidelines you need to follow ahead of time, you can keep yourself out of trouble once your device is installed. There are several different types of BAIID violations you could commit, including:
- A blood alcohol level reading of 0.05 or higher
- Failing to take the test
- Failing to submit your reports
- More than 5 unsuccessful starts on the same day
- More than 10 unsuccessful starts in the same month
- Removing or tampering with the device
If these violations are the result of a technical malfunction or another temporary fluke, the matter should be settled quickly. If you refuse or provide an insufficient explanation, you may face more severe consequences.
The first violation you commit could result in an additional 3 months suspension if on a MDDP. Three violations could leave you with an impounded vehicle for 30 days. Commit four violations and you could have your vehicle seized or forfeited.
The most serious of all BAIID violations is failing to install and use the device after a conviction. It’s considered a Class 4 felony and can lead to 30 days in jail or up to 3 years in prison and fines of up to $25,000.
Be sure to follow the guidelines to the letter and use your BAIID as instructed. Initial classes should teach you what you need to know.
How Can I Get Back on the Road?
BAIIDs are intended to discourage drunk driving by making it impossible to start the car after drinking. You need to look into the camera, blow into the device, and register the proper blood alcohol level before you can get moving.
The costs of installing and maintaining the device are high, but the legal and personal ramifications of ignoring the process are even larger. They include large fines and even jail time.
If you’re looking to get back on the road after a conviction, we can help. Get a free consultation and contact us today for more information.